About Us
The Homemade Family was birthed out of a passion to see our world changed through the power of healthy family. High divorce rates and fatherlessness have taken a toll on the hearts and minds of our nation, and we desire to see everyone living the fullness of the life that Jesus came to give us.
We got married after a very short engagement and very quickly had five children. Marriage and babies are probably the hottest refining fire we can every go through. We had a choice to quit when things get tough or to figure it out, so we surrounded ourselves with teachings and training that would equip us to having a thriving marriage and family.
Then we suddenly found ourselves being invited to speak and teach on these topics. We've had so many testimonies of people who were radically touched and even changed by just by hanging out with our family. We've become sought after counsel for couples who want to get married. Many people tell us we are their #FamilyGoals or #RelationshipGoals so we decided to be public about what we do, how we do it, and why we do it, so that others can benefit from the years of trials and victories we've had. Our dream is to help you have a joy-filled powerful family and marriage.