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You will be given access to a private Facebook page that gives you  access to four one-hour teacings. Topics include: The goal of the sex talk with your kids; Essential skills for your kids to manage their sex life; Special topics—porn, masturbation, homosexuality, sexual identity, redemption from mistakes; & more. Also included is an age appropriate resource guide outling the conversations to have at each age and a book list that we recommend reading with your kids to help aid the conversations. 

Class: Talking to Your Kids about Sex & Sexuality

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    About Us

    We are Nathanael and Amy White. Our love story is a bit unconventional. We met in a prayer room, soon fell in love, got engaged and were married six weeks later. Eleven months later, we welcomes our first child into the family, and then had another baby pretty much each year thereafter, until we had five.  Our oldest child was five years old when we brought our fifth baby home, it was like we thought parenting was a sprint race or something. LOL 
    Like every family, we've been through the ups and downs and highs and lows, and we've just found a grace on our life for marriage and family and doing it well. We have a passion to see people live in the fullness and abundance of Life that Jesus promised in John 10:10 and we believe that part of that promise of abundant life starts in the home! God has been incredibly good in giving us spiritual and practical wisdom that has helped us create a joy-filled, powerful marriage and family.
    We look forward to helping you create a joy-filled powerful family too. 



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